
Faculty: Kaan Ozbay

Teams: 19 & 20

Room: Gauss

Problem Description

The goal of this project is to understand usage patterns of Citibike in New York City, particularly in relation to other transportation facilities (e.g. subway stations) and activity centers. Students will:

  • Analyze the demand data in relationship to other transportation facilities such as bus stops, subway stations and also roadway characteristics
  • Mine the demand data to understand supply and demand relationships (using the streaming station feeds as supply data)
  • Mine data to understand temporal changes in bicycle demand and the factors that affect this demand? Examine stability of demand patterns
  • Develop a time‐dependent Origin‐Destination matrix and trip generation function
  • Can this Origin‐Destination matrix be used to optimize resource allocation?

Provided Data

Students will mainly use (open) Citibike data, both historical data and real‐time station feeds.