The proposed web-based data analysis/visualization tool would allow
travelers, transportation planners, and policy decision-makers to find
"best solutions" for current and potential future transportation
problems and to make informed decisions using the existing public
transportation-related data. The tool would be designed as a component
that can be fully integrated into "Congestion Management," "Emergency
Planning," and "Travel Time Optimization" systems. It would therefore
serve two main purposes: 1) to provide and disseminate travel
information to the general public and 2) to provide a robust
analytical tool to policy-makers and planners. Information gleaned
from this tool would help travelers (drivers and transit customers
alike) with not only making more informed transportation access and
congestion management decisions, but also with protecting their safety
during extreme and unexpected events, such as snowstorms, hurricanes,
and wildfires. It would also provide decision-makers and planners with
the ability to perform analysis for emergency response and routing
during special events.