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G. Dobler, M. Ghandehari, S.E. Koonin, R. Nazari, A. Patrinos, M.S.
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J. Salamon and J. P. Bello, Feature Learning with Deep Scattering
for Urban Sound Analysis, 2015 European Signal Processing Conference
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C. Mydlarz, C. Shamoon, M. Baglione, and M. Pimpinella, The design
and calibration of low cost urban acoustic sensing devices, In 10th
European Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering
(EuroNoise), Maastricht, The Netherlands, May 2015.
J. Salamon and J. P. Bello, Unsupervised Feature Learning for Urban
Sound Classification, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech
and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Brisbane, Australia, April 2015.
Daniel Castellani Ribeiro, Huy T. Vo, Juliana Freire, and Cláudio
T. Silva. 2015. An Urban Data Profiler. In Proceedings of the 24th
International Conference on World Wide Web (WWW '15 Companion).
International World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee, Republic and
Canton of Geneva, Switzerland, 1389-1394. DOI=10.1145/2740908.2742135
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R. Shroff, Y. Zha, R. Wang, M. Veloso, S. Seshan, Indoor Trajectory
Identification: Snapping With Uncertainty. (2015). The AAAI 2015 Workshop
on AI for Cities, Austin, USA, Jan. 2015.
P. Ebenfelt, R. Shroff, Partial rigidity for CR embeddings of real
hypersurfaces into hyperquadrics with small signature difference. (2015).
In Comm. Anal. Geom, Vol 23 (No. 1), 159-190.
Hong Yang, Kaan. Ozbay, Ender Faruk Morgul, Bekir Bartin, Kun Xie
(2014). Development of an On-line Scalable Approach for Identifying
Secondary Crashes. In Transportation Research Record: Journal of
Transportation Research Board (TRB14-1689, Forthcoming).
Ender Faruk Morgul, Hong Yang, Abdullah Kurkcu, Kaan Ozbay, Bekir
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Web-based Real-Time Data Collection Methodology for Transportation
Operation Performance Analysis. In Transportation Research Record:
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Harish Doraiswamy, Nivan Ferreira, Theodoros Damoulas, Juliana
Freire, and Claudio Silva. Using Topological Analysis to Support
Event-Guided Exploration in Urban Data, IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph.
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Luciano Barbosa, Kien Pham, Claudio Silva, Marcos R. Vieira, and
Juliana Freire. Structured Open Urban Data: Understanding the Landscape.
Big Data Journal, Forthcoming.
T. Hoang-Vu, V. Been, I. Gould Ellen, M, Weselcouch, and J. Freire.
Towards Understanding Real-Estate Ownership in New York City:
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J. Salamon, C. Jacoby, and J. P. Bello. A Dataset and Taxonomy for
Urban Sound Research. In 22nd ACM International Conference on Multimedia
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C. Mydlarz, S. Nacach, T.H. Park, A. Roginska., The design of urban
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C. Mydlarz, S. Nacach, E. Rosenthal, M. Temple, T.H. Park, A.
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D. Osmari, L. Lins, H. Vo, J. Comba, and C. Silva. Visualization
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proceedings of SIBGRAPI 2014.
Hong Yang, Ozgur Ozturk, Kaan Ozbay, Kun Xie (2014) Work Zone
Safety Analysis and Modeling: A State-of-the-Art Review. Traffic Injury
Prevention, DOI: 10.1080/15389588.2014.948615.
Hong Yang, Kaan Ozbay, Bekir Bartin, and Ozgur Ozturk (2014).
Assessing the Safety Effects of Removing Highway Mainline Barrier Toll
Plazas. Journal of Transportation Engineering, Vol. 140, No. 8, 04014038,
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T. Damoulas, J. He, R. Bernstein, C. Gomes, A. Arora. String
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R. Dunks, R. Shroff, J. Lim, H. Wang, M. Castro, Modeling Urban
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Park, T. H., Turner, J., Musick, M., Lee, J. H., Jacoby, C.,
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Mapping, Analyzing, and Archiving Urban Soundscapes. Workshops on Big
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A. Chohlas-Wood, R. Shroff, Applications of Machine Learning to
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R. Shroff, R. Dunks, J. Lim, H. Wang, M. Castro, Allocation of
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S. Duong, J. Lebl, A. Minor, R. Shroff, Y. Zhang, CR singular
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Yilong (Frank) Zha, Manuela Veloso. Profiling and Prediction of
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Hong Yang, Kaan Ozbay, Kun Xie (2014). Assessing the Risk of
Secondary Crashes on Freeways. Journal of Safety Research, Vol. 49, pp.
T. Hoang-Vu, A. Bessa, L. Barbosa, and J. Freire. Bridging
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Steven E. Koonin, Michael J. Holland, “The Value of Big Data for
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Hong Yang, Bekir Bartin, and Kaan Ozbay (2014). Mining the
Characteristics of Secondary Crashes on Highways. Journal of
Transportation Engineering, Vol. 140, No. 4, 04013024, April 2014, DOI:
10.1061/(ASCE)TE.1943-5436. 0000646.
Kun Xie, Xuesong Wang, Kaan Ozbay, Hong Yang, Crash frequency
modeling for signalized intersections in a high-density urban road
network, Analytic Methods in Accident Research, Volume 2, April 2014,
Pages 39-51, ISSN 2213-6657.
Access Paper
Kontokosta, Constantine E. 2014. “A Market-Specific Methodology for
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Jain, Rishee, Jose Moura, and Constantine E. Kontokosta. 2014. “Big
Data and Big Cities: Graph Signals of Urban Air Pollution,” IEEE Signal
Processing Magazine 31: 130-136.
Jain, Rishee, Theodoros Damoulas, and Constantine E. Kontokosta.
2014. “Towards Data-Driven Energy Consumption Forecasting of Multi-Family
Residential Buildings: Feature Selection via The Lasso,” Computing in
Civil and Building Engineering 1675-1682.
Fuerst, Franz, Kontokosta, Constantine E., and McAllister, Patrick
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Planning B 41: 551-570.
Kontokosta, Constantine E. 2014. The Quantified Community: A
Roadmap for a Fully Instrumented Eco-District. Washington, DC: National
Institute of Standards and Technology.
Kontokosta, Constantine E. 2014. “The Smart City and Its
Discontents: Big Data, Urban Informatics, and a Science of Cities”, Paper
Accepted to the Association of Collegiate School of Planning Annual
Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
Kontokosta, Constantine E. 2014. “Applying Behavioral Strategies to
Energy Decisions”, Paper Accepted to the American Academy of Arts and
Science/NYSERDA Joint Symposium, PACE University, NY.
Kontokosta, Constantine E. 2013. “Computational Approaches to
Building Energy Data: Benchmarking, Incentives, and Market Behavior”,
Paper Accepted to the Center for Complexity in Business Annual
Conference, Washington, DC.
Kontokosta, Constantine E. 2013. “Do Owners and Tenants Value
Commercial Building Energy Performance”, Paper Accepted to the
MIT-National University of Singapore-Maastricht University Research
Symposium, Cambridge, MA.
Kontokosta, Constantine E. 2013. “Mixed-Income Housing and
Neighborhood Integration: Evidence from Inclusionary Zoning Programs,”
Journal of Urban Affairs doi: 10.1111/juaf.12068 (Early View).
Kontokosta, Constantine E. 2013. “Energy Disclosure, Market
Behavior, and the Building Data Ecosystem,” Annals of the New York
Academy of Sciences 1295: 34-43.
Kontokosta, Constantine E. 2013. “Tall Buildings and Urban
Expansion: Tracing the History of Zoning in the United States,” ASCE
Journal of Leadership and Management in Engineering 13: 190-198.
Constantine Kontokosta. From Transparency to Transformation: A
Market-Specific Methodology for a Commercial Building Energy Performance
Rating System. Constantine Kontokosta, New York University - Center for
Urban Science and Progress. October 21, 2013. Available at SSRN:
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N. Ferreira, J. Poco, H. Vo, J. Freire, C. Silva. Visual
exploration of big spatio-temporal urban data: A study of new york city
taxi trips. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics,
IEEE. 2013.
Access Paper
Park, Tae Hong, Johnathan Turner, Michael Musick, Jun Hee Lee,
Christopher Jacoby, Charlie Mydlarz, and Justin Salamon. "Sensing Urban
Soundscapes." In EDBT/ICDT Workshops, pp. 375-382. 2014.
Grey, F. “Making and Learning in China” in Cultures of Creativity,
the LEGO Foundation, 84-87, 2013.
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Savage, Timothy and Vo, Huy T., Yellow Cabs as Red Corpuscles
(October 15, 2013). Available at SSRN:
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Holland, Michael, Key Players and the Nature of Their Interactions
in U.S. STI Policy: Resource and Budgetary Allocations by the White House
and Congress, Study of Innovation and Technology in China Policy Brief
2013-8, San Diego, CA: University of California Institute on Global
Conflict and Cooperation, 2013. Available at
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